Ever wonder what God has in mind for you?

Have you ever wondered why you are here?

Have you ever wondered if God has a plan for your life, or if the events of your life are just random and chaotic? Have you ever thought about the importance of the relationships you have with family and friends, and why certain people are even in your life? Have you thought about where you will spend eternity?

It has been said that God has a plan for your life, and it’s a good plan.

Using his own life experiences, and those of his parents, James W. Meyer takes you on a very personal and emotional journey of faith and trust. He explores events that happened and the ultimate effect of those events that have led him to his current place in life; the very place God always intended for him to be. Meyer reminds us that God also places family and friends in our lives for a very special reason, and we shouldn’t take them—or any of the other blessings from God—for granted.

Meyer was inspired to write this book following the death of his beloved mother, and he takes readers through the recesses of their thoughts and feelings and shows a path out as one who’s walked it. (See video trailer) Later in the book, Meyer takes the reader on a beautiful and simple journey through the Gospel and salvation. With his simple, but deep, faith genuinely expressed through his stories, Meyer brings readers to a soft landing in the arms of God and the assurance of His purpose in your life. Watch for our next book coming soon.

Where is God? What is He thinking? Does He hear you when you pray? It’s likely those questions have crossed your mind, and your heart, at least once. Perhaps you are asking them right now.

They’re honest questions, usually when facing the trials, temptations, and hardships of life. They are heartfelt questions, especially when God is seemingly silent in answering your prayers, and you are left waiting, wondering, and wandering.

Throughout the Bible God has worked through ordinary people and things to accomplish his plans. His tactics haven’t changed, and we can see the results in the lives of Jim and Linda Meyer - two normal people living a relatively ordinary life in Northeast Wisconsin. Walk with them and witness how God still answers these questions the same way He answered the people in Biblical times, “But I will be with you.”

While they are the two main characters in this book, they aren’t the star of this story-God is. God can and will continue to show and prove His faithfulness to you in every circumstance you face. He made the ordinary, and He loves the ordinary.

God’s grace and faithfulness are evident in this heartwarming sequel to God Knew, Revelations of God’s Grace in Unexpected Ways. Look for Him in all circumstances, in all of your own “God Knew” moments, and trust in His Love and His enduring promise to never leave you and never forsake you. 

God Knew, Faithfulness Fulfilled

God Knew Faithfulness Fulfilled Book

“God Knew is a thoughtful, carefully written book for those who have experienced any type of grief. It’s a truly heartwarming and faithful story. After the loss of my own parents, I can relate to the author’s experiences. Although everyone grieves differently, we all are searching for the same thing, reassurance our departed loved ones are safe in hands. I would recommend.”

—Renee Brusky

Contact the author

email: godknewmeyer@gmail.com